Who We Are 

Our journey began in 2020 amid the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, as we initiated immediate relief efforts through our food distribution program in Masiphumelele. A year later, recognizing the need to provide constructive activities for children when they were not in school, we shifted our focus. In Masi, alcoholism and drug abuse is prevalent, posing serious risks to the younger generation. Without proper guidance and mentorship, children can easily veer off the right path. This realization led us to establish our Soccer Sunday Educational Program, which serves as a safe space and regular routine to keep kids engaged in healthy pursuits, nurturing their love for sports and fostering their thirst for knowledge through educational outings. What sets us apart is our commitment to fostering change from within the community itself. We have local leaders who have stepped up to take responsibility, making us a closely-knit family dedicated to empowering our youth. Our core belief is that every child should feel seen, heard, cherished, and provided with guidance. Every child should wake up in the morning with excitement for what lies ahead.

Meet the Team

Petya Bartosch
Petya BartoschCo-founder & Coordinator

Petya Bartosch – I founded Bartosch Foundation with Xolani and my father because I believe in the power and impact of kindness… from small acts to big and that humans can achieve anything when united. What is beautiful about helping others and bringing positive change is that it has a ripple effect and inspires others to do the same. I have a dream of a world where all children live healthy, happy, productive lives and are equipped with the knowledge and tools to be compassionate and educated future leaders determined to protect humanity and the Earth. 

Xolani and I met in Masi when I was dropping off my regular food parcels during the height of Covid-19 and before I knew it we had started a little soccer team! He is a true role model for the community. I love seeing the kids happy, playing soccer, away from negative influences, and curious to learn new things. They crave a sense of belonging and exploring out in nature. We have become a little family!  

I love soccer, surfing, playing the piano, singing and photography! I graduated from the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography and on the side have pursued my passion for interior design and nature guiding. You’ll probably find me with my camera in my one hand and my daughter in the other! I am passionate about sport and its healing abilities as well as guiding children to pursue their dreams! Education is key to changing South Africa for the better. 

My role model is Mother Theresa and my favourite quote is: “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived; it is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead” ~ Nelson Mandela 

Xolani Mahlulo –  Sports have been an invaluable asset in shaping my professional journey. Growing up was not easy; I lost my mom at age 8 and not knowing my father was a huge challenge. I was raised by my mom’s uncle and her warm, loving wife (who I call my mom). They taught me kindness and helping others, even if you don’t expect anything in return. Working hard was one of the main values of our family. My family and the whole community were all about sports – rugby, cricket, and soccer. Rugby was huge; it had a lot of followers and impact. When we were young, we used to imagine ourselves as one of our local rugby heroes. I saw the impact. I always wanted to be one of those heroes who had an impact on others’ lives.

Growing up was hard for me. I didn’t have basic child needs like a bicycle or a birthday cake. Being reminded at school that I don’t have parents was hard especially when the community kept evoking that feeling. But I am grateful to the parents who raised me and gave me everything they could. The community and school had a huge impact. When I was with my friends playing soccer, rugby, or cricket on the streets, it was the best time. We always looked forward to the weekends and holidays because we would play from morning till sunset. It was more exciting than being at home. Since 2011, I have volunteered myself to get kids into sports. I believe it’s more fun, joyful, and helps them discover their strengths. It provides the best atmosphere for kids, more than any other place.

In 2020, I met Petya. She saw me playing with kids at a small parking lot here in Masiphumelele. She invited me the following Sunday to help her with the kids. After about two weeks, she explained her objectives, and they were exactly aligned with how I wanted to help young kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. Since then, we have shared and worked out ideas to grow the Bartosch Foundation.

When I was with my friends playing soccer, rugby, or cricket on the streets, it was the best time. We always looked forward to the weekends and holidays because we would play from morning till sunset.

Xolani Mahlulo
Xolani MahluloCo-founder & Coach


Our primary goal, through sports and educational initiatives, is to reshape the destinies of young individuals in underprivileged communities, empowering them to become future leaders who are educated, innovative, capable and happy, with a strong commitment to environmental conservation.

Core Values

At the heart of the Bartosch Foundation lie unwavering values of compassion and respect, not only for all people but also for the natural world. With a forward-thinking and optimistic approach, our mission is to bring transformation and ignite the spirit of youth in Masiphumelele. We aim to nurture children into future leaders who exemplify qualities of dignity, passion, confidence, love, and the profound understanding of ubuntu, which signifies the belief that “I am because you are.”

Mission Statement

The Bartosch Foundation is deeply committed to catalyzing positive change in disadvantaged and under-resourced communities. Our primary mission revolves around offering children valuable mentorship and educational opportunities through our Soccer Sunday Educational Program. Our aim is to nurture the growth of budding leaders who embody qualities such as empathy, hard work, ubuntu (a sense of community), adept problem-solving, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

Inspired by the wisdom of Nelson Mandela, we acknowledge the profound impact of sports in effecting transformation and utilize this influence to spark ambitious dreams within children. We motivate them to aspire to extraordinary futures, guided by the belief that sports can serve as a powerful catalyst for positive change.

Our Pledge & Code of Ethics

Being part of this team means I stand for unity, integrity and ubuntu. I pledge to be kind and respectful to my team mates, coaches and family, to all those around me, to nature and to all the animals. I pledge to do my best in all my passions and work hard to follow my dreams. I know it takes a lot of practise and discipline. I pledge to look after Mother Earth, the forests, mountains and oceans which are home to so many animals. I pledge to not throw plastic on the floor or waste food and water. I pledge to educate others about recycling and not littering. I pledge to stay curious, work hard at school and learn new things everyday. I pledge to have fun, stay passionate and focused and enjoy life. Xa ndivuka ndikhetha uxolo nothando, ndenze inguqu ekuhlaleni. Amaphupho wam ndingawaphumelela xa ndinozimisela ndisebenze nzima. I am destined for a bright future. I am grateful for all the opportunities around me and for this beautiful day! 


Sports Bartosch Foundation Cape Town


Sport kindles children’s enthusiasm, steering them clear of destructive influences like alcoholism and drug abuse prevalent in their community. It fosters physical and mental well-being, offering a sense of belonging and achievement. Through our soccer training, we harness their existing passion to nurture teamwork, discipline, respect, compassion, leadership, and resilience skills.

Environmental Bartosch Foundation Cape Town


Bartosch Foundation deeply values environmental stewardship. We recognize the need to educate our future leaders about critical issues like plastic pollution, waste management, habitat preservation, and ocean conservation, given our proximity to the abundant natural beauty of the Western Cape. Through clean-up efforts and proactive engagement, we actively seek solutions to these global challenges.

Leadership Bartosch Foundation Cape Town


Every month, we welcome inspiring guest speakers from various backgrounds, including our own community, to motivate our children to achieve greatness. The Bartosch Foundation has evolved into a close-knit family, with our coaches providing vital mentorship and guidance. We’ve discovered that this is essential for creating enduring positive transformations in underprivileged communities.

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The power to change the lives of South Africa’s youth for the better is in our hands